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Nefarious Sloth • 1 year ago

floating head that will hang you to death*

japanese salaryman: aight time to go to work

this is so deep xD

AmeliainLondon • 1 year ago

late stage capitalism dystopian nightmare. I mean, did his company still need spreadsheets in that crisis ?

Leo Aestron • 1 year ago

Girl sees giant ghost heads trying so hard to kiss each other: *Scream*
Me: *Laugh*

DragonGoatWithAHat • 9 months ago

yeah you laugh, but would you if you saw that? No.
Junji Itos work is like this, its absurd, but it also force you to question everything as what would you do? when reality as you come to know it stops making sens.

Leo Aestron • 9 months ago

I know what you mean, but from an anime viewer perspective it can mean differently for everyone.

Yog-Sothoth • 1 year ago

Its nice to hang out all together.

vovan1 • 1 year ago

This hang out party is really worth dying for xD

yurification • 1 year ago

The brother taking the RED umbrella with him lol. Also imagine this happening in real life

Daemon Redfox • 1 year ago

the reporter was like
"and here you can clearly see how im going to die"
and the cameraman just keeps rolling lol

Boss_Sano • 1 year ago

When the wife asked the husband “why “
When he turned around his face just screamed “ BILLS” and I nodded along. I feel your pain my brother in Christ I feel you. Plus it’s good to know that only your head can come get you.. All the other ones are bs. So if I know me .. can’t let no ninja hang from this tree 😎

MeguminExplosion • 1 year ago

You know this could be a satire of covid. People were adament about going to work during the pandemic before a vaccine was available and said they wouldnt catch covid. Then they caught covid and died. Basically their balloon caught them all because they wouldnt listen.

Boss_Sano • 1 year ago

facts but at a certain point you need food...

vovan1 • 1 year ago

if I'm correct, the story was written before covid. i think its more about how society enforces you to become something you can't hide from.

Boss_Sano • 1 year ago

I like how her head, didn’t force it on her.. it instead gave her a way out of the torment and loneliness

Neroooooooo • 1 year ago

i swear im laughing more than im getting scared

Omegaxintria (EA) • 1 year ago

Kinda me,too.Tbh...What the hell are we?..Lol..

DragonGoatWithAHat • 9 months ago

But that is Junji Itos works, sick twisted in that way were you laugh.
But you only laugh because you feeling comfortable that your reality will never go down like this.

Düölingöhhh Snorlax • 1 year ago


TheRuin • 1 year ago

i feel like a 'nam vet but...


S3X God Nimbly • 1 year ago

Junji Ito's various manga and stories are amazing. These adaptations just botch them so badly they almost become twisted into something like comedy.

starbug • 1 year ago

This is fucking awesome idk why 😭

Dein Iori • 1 year ago

Why the fck are they all running so slowly? Or am I just used to action anime lmao

DragonGoatWithAHat • 9 months ago

low frame rate, reality is clearly clinching out

kurdbubbles • 1 year ago

bro that damn reporter lmao

Cheesy Dale • 1 year ago

Even though the floating heads looks goofy seeing them float in the clouds looks creepy as hell, this could work as a live action horror movie honestly if they could make the heads looks creepy

NetroLancer • 1 year ago

Feels like an SCP for some reason.

AI's 👁 • 3 weeks ago

New fear unlocked: Hot air balloons

Science Soldier:76 • 8 months ago

Ah yes. The whole family is made of dumbasses.
*Floating death balloons*
Dad: Aight. Gotta go to lick my boss’ boots!

Rightfully yeeted.

Kaidoscope • 10 months ago

1. 19:06 woah thats pretty smart
2. welp

YOSHIDA MAN • 11 months ago

See this is what I was talking about the ultimate inevitable doom.

You going to die no matter what you do.

That said , these are some of the stupidest horror show characters I have seen , Especially that one reporter and their father .

Soul Sliver • 1 year ago

My imagination dreams up some pretty wild, foreign, and otherworldly concepts; but I have to admit no way I ever would have thought up something this far out of left field, this some truly random stuff here, the bloom heads story.

guesswho • 1 year ago

"I gently open the door..." over 9000

the_shepherd • 1 year ago

the cheerful pop music ruins everything

TheRuin • 1 year ago

Its called a "palate cleanser", and now that im telling you about it, you'r going to realize that its extremely common for horror to balance with upbeat moments and/or comedy